Grant Rodriguez Amlani, Environmental Justice and Recruitment Coordinator


Grant focused his university studies on issues relating to the environment, sustainability, and waste – including projects working toward the sustainability improvements of higher education institutions and recycling efforts at the municipal level. During graduate school, Grant coordinated events for the Hunt Institute for Engineering & Humanity at Southern Methodist University. Previously, Grant also worked on engaging nonprofits and higher education institutions’ fundraising offices and on internal corporate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion efforts. He continues to be involved in sustainability outreach efforts across the North Texas region.

Why I Care About Recycling and a Circular Economy

“I see a lot of potential to reduce the amount of waste that we generate as humans, with these being valuable tools and strategies to minimize those negative impacts. I believe having a circular economy is a necessary goal to work towards.”

Personal Passions and Interests

When not working on environmental and sustainability efforts, Grant can be found taking the family dogs on walks, tending to his vegetable garden, listening to music (occasionally picking up the violin), or cooking up something delicious – Mexican and Indian food are particular comforts.



Interested in joining the U.S. Pact? Contact gamlani @ to see if your business or organization is a good fit.

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