BPI: Guidelines for Compostable Products and Packaging

The Need: Lack of an industry standard for the labeling and identification of compostable products.

The Solution: BPI generated, “Guidelines for the Labeling and Identification of Compostable Products and Packaging”

What makes it particularly smart or circular? Attempts to bring consistency to labeling that will help consumers, end-users, and composters differentiate compostable from non-compostable products so they can be collected and processed.

Results, Benefits, and Outcomes to Date: Establishing some baseline consensus for labeling and identification best practices and communicating them to the industry.

Quote: “In order for compostable products and packaging to perform their intended function, they should be readily and easily identifiable by end-users, consumers, composters and others so they can be differentiated from their non-compostable counterparts. The guidelines put forth in this document reflect the belief that a consistent identification strategy employed by product manufacturers and brand owners is a key driver in achieving differentiation and will assist in the acceptance of food scraps and compostable products and packaging on a larger scale.” – Wendell Simonson


Guidelines for the Labeling and Identification of Compostable Products and Packaging

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