PAC Worldwide

PAC Worldwide: Ecojacket® Flex Paper Mailer

The Need: Our customers had a need for a fully curbside recyclable mailer. They wanted a protective padded mailer that their customers could easily dispose of in the most eco-friendly way.

The Solution: PAC’s team produced The Ecojacket® Flex, an all-paper mailer that provides the same consistent padding and flexibility as our bubble mailers, but is fully curbside recyclable.

Which of the Pact’s 4 Targets does your work help achieve? TARGET 1: Define a list of packaging that is to be designated as problematic or unnecessary by 2021 and take measures to eliminate them by 2025

What makes it particularly smart or circular? Being fully curbside recyclable keeps this product out of the landfill and in the circular economy as it’s turned into new products

Results, Benefits, and Outcomes to Date: The Ecojacket Flex has decreased packaging waste while increasing the ease of disposal of our customer’s packaging, which increases their reputation as a retailer that cares about the environment and customer experience. 

How are you communicating your success? Internally we are continually communicating successes through internal webinars, calls, and internal social channels. Externally this has been communicated via website, email campaigns, social media and direct via sales team.

What’s Next? To include recycled content and have an automated packaging machine version available to further decrease over-packaging waste.

Core Team, Partners, & Participants: Engineering, Business Development, Sustainability, Sales, Marketing and Operations

Time Frame: 3 years

Quote: “While a mixed substrate (paper and poly) bubble mailer is not on the list of products noted for Target 1, we do see it as problematic as it is not able to be recycled. After listening to our customers we have developed an alternative that is curbside recyclable” John Bartell- VP of Sustainability 

Company/Organization Information: Founded in 1975, PAC is headquartered in Redmond, WA, has 14 locations total, 8 manufacturing plants and 1500 employees worldwide.

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